
Benefits of music that you didn’t realize

Can you imagine a world without music? History shows that every civilization that has ever inhabited our planet has used music in religion, meditation, medicine, rituals, and entertainment. However, it is worth knowing that music also affects our health.

Music is good for your heart

It is said that music is good for the soul, but what about the heart? There are many studies that prove the beneficial effects of music on the human body. For example, cardiac patients at General Hospital were observed and qualified for surgery. Some of them listened to Mozart’s piano, sonatas for half an hour each day. This group of patients later noted normalization of the pulse and lowering of blood pressure, which did not occur in patients who did not listen to music at all.

It will help you feel happier

For those who get out of bed in the morning and are depressed, there are therapeutic benefits of listening to music and – surprisingly – it does not have to be fast and cheerful music. Researchers at the University of Kent have proved that the choice of SSIM ( Self-Identified Sad Music ), i.e., the music we identify within a depressed mood, do not have to put us in an even worse condition. As long as the music is beautiful for you, it can help.


Helps premature babies

Scientists have chosen sounds that resemble sounds in the womb. They were different types of music – from the one based on percussion instruments to lullabies. Music therapists chose music adapted to the child’s heartbeat frequency and breathing rhythm. The results were surprising – the children were calmer, slept better, and were less stressed, which also positively affected their parents.

Helps to relieve pain

Patients suffering from penetrating pain also find relief and relief in listening to music. Classical seems to be the best solution, and Mozart and Bach work most soothingly. Meditation music can also affect pain. However, if you are a fan of heavy metal or techno and suffer from pain, then give up on these musical genres, because they cause the acceleration of the pulse and irregular heartbeat.

Playing musical instruments develops the motor ability

 Developing such skills also helps control impulses and social interactions. In stroke patients, there was also a significant improvement in the functioning of musical melodies after learning.

Lets you control your weight

Listening to music that sends information to the subconscious can help people control their weight. This happens in human sensory memory, which is responsible for perception and language skills. That is why product news that should be avoided will be repeated more effectively. Other studies indicate that when you play soft, pleasant and relaxing music while eating, you will experience fullness faster, which will make you eat less


Belongings to keep in the brain before choosing a home design

Choosing a home design is a real challenge. The easiest way is to go to an architect, and after a conversation, he will draw a house for individual needs. However, nowadays, the most popular method of obtaining a project is to buy a catalog house. The advantage of this solution is, of course, the price. But how do you choose the most suitable project from a million proposals?

Development conditions on the plot

You have a construction plot on which you want to put your house. The first thing to consider before choosing a house design is the Decision on building conditions. We obtain this document at the municipal office upon a special application, and it is crucial when choosing a project because it specifies the principles of what architecture should look like on a given plot. In it, you can find guidelines for. Interesting fact: The Decision on building conditions was to be an auxiliary element in establishing guidelines for the new building. In countries with a high level of urban planning, the spatial development plan determines how the city develops and shapes the architecture. However, a small percentage of areas with established plans in Poland means that WZ-that has become a key document defining building conditions. This often leads to spatial and functional chaos on a city scale as well as a small area.


A one-story house or attic

If the building conditions allow you to build a house with an attic, then its profitability and convenience of use should be analyzed. I refer to a short article on this topic: One-story house or attic house

Expected number of users.

 The answer to the question, how many home users will be really important. Who will the residents be, and what their needs are? Many people deciding to build a house do not take this aspect into account, and after moving out, the children stay in a huge house that needs to be maintained and cleaned. The primary thing you should reimburse notice to is the time for which we are building a house and how many real residents there will be most of the time. If parents with adolescent children decide to build a house, remember that the latter will go.

Additional needs

Living in a house evokes some associations. Our thoughts about a new home usually revolve not around functional decay, but with certain associations and emotions. We want to have a library with a fireplace and armchair, a large bathroom, where we can accommodate a huge bath and shower, a place for wine, a quiet study where we can isolate ourselves from the family bustle and focus on work. Most often, people choosing a house design, moving out of an apartment in a block of flats, want to have it all, and to  choosing the design to multiply the rooms that will later be empty most of the time.